भर्खरै NG Grade ( Pass ), + 2 उत्तिर्ण र Drop Out ! यो होलीमा पाउनुहोस् Scholarship गनेर #JOBAssist
सोच्दै हुनुहुन्छ !
कम ग्रेड, GAP वा कुनै पनि academic background लाई Admission मा 0 Cost
23rd Batch Enrolled & 300 + IHM Chefs are working around the globe
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Professional Culinary Arts for 6 Months/ 1 Year Program
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A Leading Culinary Arts College, associated with largest number of 5 Star Chain Hotels in Nepal.
CHEF the Dream √ Fly high
Be the next Gurkhas’ of Kitchen
IHM College – Pioneer & Trend Setter College for Culinary Arts & Hospitality Management
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